Peterborough Folk Music

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  3. Peterborough Folk Music
Events from this organizer

Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rogers

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES: “Those who keep trying to categorize Claudia Schmidt's music should just give it up and file her under the general category 'TALENT' Big talent.” Post-Bulletin (Rochester, Mn.) “Claudia, Claudia, Claudia, that's all you need to say. .one of the finest folk voices ever to pick up a mic. Chocolatey smooth vocals swirled into jiving […]


Tom Rush accompanied by Seth Glier

The Park Theatre, Jaffrey NH 19 Main St, Jaffrey, NH, United States

QUOTES: Tom Rush His voice is still molasses, smoke and licorice; his fingers still coax magic and thunder from every guitar string, and he's as engaging a storyteller as he ever was. In a packed house of "old" friends, it was like Club 47 again.-- Nancy Young: Gate House News Services Seth Glier Glier is […]


Brooks Williams

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES: "A lovely player, a lovely singer and a great writer. The real thing." (Martin Simpson) "Surely one of the finest acoustic musicians in the UK!" (Kontra Concerts)   BIO: Cambridge UK-based, Statesboro, Georgia US-born guitarist, singer and songwriter Brooks Williams is admired by both listeners and fellow musicians, and has been a leading light […]


Laurie MacAllister of Red Molly

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

We are thrilled to bring Laurie MacAllister, of Red Molly, to Peterborough on her 1st solo tour. QUOTES “Is Laurie MacAllister seeking perfection? Whether she is or not, her latest album “The Lies the Poets Tell” is defining—a curated collection of songs packed with emotional vibrancy.” -Mary Sue Twohy, Program Director, SiriusXM Satellite Radio "Ms. […]


Mark Erelli and His String Quintet

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES “Mark Erelli + His String Quintet put on a performance that effortlessly reaches across seemingly disparate demographics, blurring the boundaries between popular and classical music audiences.” “Erelli’s evocative lyrics and soulful vocals are elevated by the lush, dynamic interplay of the quintet.” “Whether he’s wielding a pen or a Telecaster, Mark Erelli’s music welcomes […]


The Steel Wheels

The Park Theatre, Jaffrey NH 19 Main St, Jaffrey, NH, United States

QUOTES:  “The Steel Wheels are certainly not the first band to use bluegrass music as a springboard to dive into a rainbow of possibilities, but they are certainly among the best that do.” TOM CLARKE: Tahoe Onstage BIO: The Steel Wheels have long been at home in the creative space between tradition and innovation, informed […]


Caite Curtis with opener Connor Garvey

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

“Catie Curtis is an artist whose songs unarm me, move me to put down my defenses and just be with them. She lures me in through her kindness and respect for all beings. I have been listening to her music for years, she is an inspiration to me. She knows the power of gentleness, and […]


Patchouli and Terra Guitarra

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES: “Patchouli live is amazing. I compare it to taking a yoga class in a field of running mustangs.” - City Pages "Terra Guitarra is one of the best nuevomenco groups in the world" - Zone Music Reporter "An acoustic duo whose songs about harmony & healing inspire the human spirit" - B Sents, Chicago Tribune   […]


Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES: “One of America's most inventive string bands” — The Boston Herald “Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem dig deep into their collective souls, finding joy in the moment, peace in the harmonies, and rapture in the rhythmic drive.” — Hartford Courant “Effortless and loose...” — Acoustic Guitar Magazine BIO: Harmony, rhythm, indelible songs – these […]


Th Nields

Bass Hall at Monadnock Center, Peterborough NH 19 Grove St, Peterborough, NH, United States

QUOTES: Imagine if Natalie Merchant had a sister with an equally good voice singing perfect harmony with her…intimate and electric. -Sing Out! Magazine The marvelously expressive Katryna and Nerissa Nields provide vocals sounding at various times very much like the Bangles, the Roches and …Alanis Morrissette…a delightful discovery. -Chicago Tribune BIO:  The Nields is a […]
