Lakeview Houseconcert Series

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  2. Organizers
  3. Lakeview Houseconcert Series
Events from this organizer

Lara Hershcovitz

Lakeview Houseconcert Series, Sharon MA Sharon, MA, United States

$25 suggested donation in the tip jar but payment is optional. 100% of the donations go directly to the artists. There are no  tickets, but please RSVP so I know how many will be here. Join us at 1PM here for a potluck lunch. Bring a dish, we supply drinks and ice cream. “…a luminous […]


Mike Agranoff

Lakeview Houseconcert Series, Sharon MA Sharon, MA, United States

James Keelaghan

Lakeview Houseconcert Series, Sharon MA Sharon, MA, United States

James Keelaghan from Canada. He was last here 25 years ago.
