John Flynn is an American singer-songwriter and activist known for his powerful music and tireless efforts on behalf of the lost and lonely, the shackled and scarred.. His work, in the words of Deanna McCloud, Director of the Woody Guthrie Center in Tulsa, OK, “follows in the footsteps of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Kris Kristofferson, and other social justice troubadours as he speaks the truth and gives a voice to society’s disenfranchised. His work fills your heart and opens your eyes as he continues to walk the walk of a true advocate for equality, justice, and peace.” One of the many recognitions he has received is the Phil Ochs Award for Music and Social Activism for Political and Social Justice. In 2017, John founded New Beginnings – Next Step, Inc, a non-profit dedicated to helping incarcerated and returning citizens successfully transition to freedom; this work has become the largest part of John’s multi-activity life.