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John Henry’s Hammer Coffeehouse – Open Mic

March 14 @ 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


2nd and 4th Fridays (except when noted)
First Unitarian Church, 90 Main St, Worcester, MA
Doors open and performer sign-up at 6:30 p.m.
Performances begin @ 7 p.m.
10 minutes in the limelight- spoken word or music (usually two songs unless you choose to sing American Pie or some sea shanty with fifty verses). Duos or groups are considered one act and CANNOT sign up as single performers too. Wearing a fake moustache will NOT fool us. $3.00 admission for everybody. Performer or spectator. Payable to the lovely lady at the folding card table.
Refreshments & snacks (donation appreciated).
PLEASE enter State Street upper parking lot door.  Handicap parking and accessibility at the other side of the church on Court Street by the Courthouse apartments.  If you do park on Court Street only park on the church side of the street or you could get towed. The parking meters on Main Street and State Street require money until 8:00 pm. The meter maids and dudes love to hand out tickets.

We are recording the performances. We intend on starting a NEW YouTube site in the future and would like to post selective performances. If you DO NOT want your video online please inform the JHH volunteer (Bob) recording with the smart phone at the center table.

Excellent alcohol-free venue for people from their teens and upward to perform in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.
Come to perform or just listen.  The JHH crew is looking forward to seeing you! John Henry’s Hammer – It’s that traditional coffee house feel without the cigarette smoke.


March 14
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


John Henry’s Hammer Coffeehouse, Worcester MA
90 Main St
Worcester, MA 01608 United States
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